Belle and Sébastien: The New Generation

adventure, family (12)

Original Title:
Belle et Sébastien: Nouvelle génération
Directed by:
Pierre Coré
Aurélien Recoing, Michèle Laroque, Caroline Anglade, Alice David, Syrus Shahidi
Running time:
1 hour 36 min.
Age limit
Release Date

Brief description

10-year-old Sebastien reluctantly spends his vacation in the mountains with his grandmother and aunt. Helping them with the sheep is hardly an exciting prospect for a city boy like him - but that is without considering his encounter with Belle, a huge dog mistreated by her owner. Ready to do anything to fight injustice and to protect his new-found friend, Sebastien will spend the craziest summer of his life.



10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00


PRIV | Private
3D | 3D film
3D VIVE | 3D film with VIVE audio
VIVE | 2D film with VIVE audio
